For interim evaluation of the project funded by the Ion Bank Foundation, please provide answers to the questions listed below.
- General Information
a) Name of organization
b) Grant year and name of program/project (as stated on original application)
c) Amount of grant awarded
d) Date grant was awarded
e) Date of this update and contact information for follow-up if necessary
- Brief Program/Grant Update
a) Primary objectives of the grant project
b) Progress toward completion of planned activities to date, with comparison to original timeline
c) Number served to date, etc. (if applicable)
d) Difficulties in implementing the program/adjustments that were made, other comments, etc.
- Brief Budget Update (narrative only; line-item budget not required)
a) Proposed to actual expenses. Please note and explain any major changes between the budgeted items and actual expenditures or current projections. How will this be addressed going forward?
b) Proposed to actual revenues. What sources of funding were projected in the original proposal? Have these funds materialized? What are the projected revenues going forward?
Please email your responses to Also, please include at least one digital photo (more are welcome, if available) of your grant in action (e.g. a program taking place, equipment being used, etc.)