Many of us neglect to think about cyber security, but what would happen if someone hacked your wireless network? Unauthorized users who gain access to your Wi-Fi can observe your online traffic and attempt to steal saved passwords on social media and banking websites. Unfortunately, in today’s world the simplest piece of information could hold the key to your identity. Lock the virtual door on strangers looking to access your home Wi-Fi network by following these 3 tips.
1. Change Default Passwords
When you set up a wireless router, it comes with a default password and network name. These are often found on a printed label on the side of the router. Rather than keeping them, change the password and network name to something unique and secure that only users will know. Do not share this information with anyone outside the home. When guests come by, enter the Wi-Fi password for them so it is only accessible when they are visiting.
2. Turn Off Your Identifier
What someone else doesn’t know cannot hurt…you. To keep your personal network from showing up as a Wi-Fi option in the neighborhood, contact your internet service provider to turn off the identifier broadcasting feature. That way, an unauthorized person will not get a wireless signal when in the vicinity of your home. This is a default option that many people do not realize can be shut off!
3. Update Your Anti-Virus Software
When you purchase a computer, it should come with basic anti-virus and anti-spyware protection installed. Many people do not explore the features of their software, but trust it is doing its job to keep personal information secure. If you are unsure, contact the software company directly to make sure the computers in your home are adequately safeguarded. Also, be sure to regularly update these programs, as improvements are constantly made. A system that is not running at its best could be easier for someone to hack.
Ion Bank has many resources available to help protect consumers from electronic fraud. To explore more safety tips, visit our online E-Fraud Protection Center today!