Ion Bank is committed to providing up-to-date fraud alerts and information on how to prevent Identity Theft, Check Fraud, Internet and Telephone Scams.
We want to inform you of a recent text message scam. Individuals are receiving text messages stating there is suspicious activity on their debit card and urges them to call the phone number in the text message. The number goes to an automated service which prompts the individual to enter their card number, PIN, card expiration date, and 3 digit CVV number located on the back of their card. After the information is entered, the automated service indicates their card is already activated and secure.
A phishing attempt sent via SMS (Short Message Service) or text message to a mobile phone or device is a tactic referred to as smishing, which is a combination of SMS and phishing. The purpose of text message phishing is the same as traditional email phishing which is to obtain confidential information.
In order to avoid becoming a victim:
- Never take action on a request for your personal or financial information, including account numbers, passwords, Social Security number or birth date.
- If you receive a text message stating an urgent need for you to update your debit card information, activate an account, or verify your identity by calling a phone number or submitting information via a website, do not respond and delete it. These messages may be part of a phishing scam by fraudsters in an attempt to capture your confidential account information and may be used to commit fraud.
- Contact an organization directly by calling them using a telephone number you know to be genuine or type in their web address in a new browser, do not copy and paste any web address you see in the email or click on a link. Phishing scammers can make links go to a website that looks identical to a legitimate site but is actually a fraudulent site.
Ion Bank will never ask you to confirm your account number, PIN, password or any other personal information via text or email. If you are concerned that you have received a fraudulent email, disclosed confidential information or have questions about online security, please contact us at 203.729.4442 or toll free at 877.729.4442.