Start saving for tomorrow, today.
The power of saving is amazing. Whether you’re a college student, recently started a family or are getting close to retirement, we offer a savings account for every stage of life. Plus, there’s always a great deposit rate to be found at Ion Bank!
Choose the option that best fits your needs, from traditional savings, CDs and IRAs to specialized health and education savings accounts.
At Ion Bank, we keep your future in mind. Explore your account options and let’s secure your financial future together, starting today.

Ready to Open an Account?
Our account features and benefits help customers reach their financial goals faster.Statement Savings
No minimum contribution required – savings on your own terms.
- Free Direct Deposit
- Access to iBanking Suite
- Free Bank-by-Phone
Health Savings
Prepare for medical expenses, with our tax-advantaged savings account.
- No set up fees
- No monthly or annual fees
Education Savings
A tax-advantaged strategy to save for a child’s future.
- Make college saving easier
- Invest tax and penalty-free earnings
- Anyone can contribute
Certificate of Deposit
Looking for the security of a fixed rate savings product?
- Earn competitive interest
- Guaranteed return
- Save for the future
Traditional or Roth IRA
Save for retirement with an Individual Retirement Account.
- 3 to 60-month term
- Invest after-tax dollars
- Money grows tax-free
Earn while you spend with your Ion Bank Debit MasterCard®. For every purchase over $50 we will deposit the amount of cents in your transaction into your Ka-Ching! Savings Account.
Savings Club Accounts
Our Vacation and Holiday Club Accounts relieve the stress of financial planning. Start contributing now for an upcoming trip or holiday season, so you have money available when needed.
IntraFi® Network DepositsSM
As a member of the IntraFi® Network DepositsSM network, we offer customers protection for savings account balances over the FDIC insurance limit of $250,000.